
Merging paintings and writing

Lia Kaufman has developed its work primarily in the visual arts, but she also has worked in the world of design, illustration, teaching, writing and design. However, in this collection, it is the first time she decided to merge paintings and writing.

Words do not explain the pictures, as they do not represent the writings

In this interplay of pictures and texts, illustration and the mere representation has to be excluded: the text that sometimes discovers is the image and other image that reveals the text.

26 Exclusive Art Collection pieces

The author has used mainly wood (wood embedded, inlaid wood, lacquered wood), pencil drawings ande recycled materials used in the collages: printed circuit terminals brass, pieces of iron, bronze, copper, silver and gold.

A celebration of creativity

Image and word come together and complement each other in a clear nod to the reader / viewer, to make him understand that, despite of having taken our loss on earth, the challenge for the man, of never forget as always inventing new ways to fly, in imagination, in art or in life.